Monday, December 14, 2015


Reading: Ha! Reading for leisure, I wish! I did just download Pretty Girls to my kindle and maybe someday I'll get a chance to dive into it. Any free moment I have is spent doing laundry or sleeping in this current stage of life.

Wanting: To exercise! Like really exercise. I can't wait to get medical clearance to hit the gym again. My follow-up appointment with my OB cannot come soon enough. I am done with this flabby figure of mine. I am ready to make some serious moves. I will, amongst the rest of the world, be hitting the gym hard in January (or so I plan to.)

Eating: Too much. I have never been hungrier in my life. Breastfeeding burns a ton of extra calories each day, but I can't really use that as a reason to justify my daily uncrustables indulgence. It's just the perfect quick and easy snack/meal, plus Smuckers really gets that peanut butter/jelly ratio just right. And the christmas cookies.. don't even get me started.

Drinking: COFFEE. A must. And I am consuming wine, far too much wine. It's the holiday season after all.

Enjoying: My babies. Alec is really starting to grasp this whole Christmas thing. He is such a little lover of lights. I mean the Christmas tree alone, has him completely mindblown. And Wes, I really don't need to explain. That newborn smell, those early morning snuggles... I am drinking it all in.

Wearing: Leggings. Loose, comfy cardis. Nursing tanks. Nothing exciting and I probably won't be until this body of mine figures things out. Plus everything I put on has to be nursing friendly. 

Listening: Old Christmas records I have accumulated over the years. Alec is a huge fan of Andy William's "Happy Holidays". 

Watching: Another big Ha! I try, but I just can't seem to keep my eyes open at the end of each day. These two little boys got me all tuckered out. I desperately want to finish up Homeland and The Leftovers. Hopefully, I will have this whole sleep thing figured out by April so I can watch Game of Thrones when it comes back on. 

Wishing: Everyone a happy, safe, and joyful holiday season spent amongst those you love. Cheesy, I know. 

Capturing: Every moment that I can capture of my two boys in one frame. Those precious moments are short and sweet and I never seem to have the camera ready, so many of the images I have are on my iPhone. I need to work on it, because I will want these images forever.