Thursday, February 5, 2015


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2015"

This boy has my heart, through and through.

It's February, so that also means that it's Heart Awareness Month. Each year, 1 million babies are born with congenital heart disease. In 2013, my beautiful babe was one of those 1 million.  Our story is a lengthy one, which you can read about here and here. Since November of last year, things have been on the upswing for our boy. He has thrived beautifully and hit all his major milestones right on target. He is pretty darn amazing and we couldn't be more proud. There are moments in our every day life, where I truly and honestly forget that his heart is any different at all, which has been such a gift. Sadly, in January of this year, we visited Alec's cardiologist and we were given some unfortunate news. Alec would need a procedure this month, a heart catheterization with possible balloon dilation of his anastomosis (the connection site they made during his first open heart surgery). We are scheduled to go in on Monday, February 9th. We are worried, but incredibly optimistic that all will go smoothly, as we are in the best hands possible. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week (they have been working for us, so keep them coming!) We are forever grateful for all your support.

Another request I have is that you be aware of how fortunate you are to have been born with a healthy heart. That being said, take care of it. Stay active, eat right, don't smoke. Be grateful and recognize your blessings. It's a harsh reality, but we are all not so lucky as you.