These passing summer months have been pretty darn incredible. Days filled with trips to the zoo, long days spent by the sea, evenings with friends and family at the community pool, backyard cook-outs and many, many birthday celebrations. When I look back at the start of the season, I realize how much my little babe has grown into a big boy. It's been amazing to see how his vocabulary has so dramatically broadened. He dominates the park like a wild man now with nearly no hands-on help necessary( but of course I am super close-by, #helicoptermom) Not to mention, how much he has grown physically, finally able to rock those 2T duds I purchased many months ago. Watching your little one grow right before your eyes is something so magical. I just wish I could keep him this little forever.
Below are just a few pictures from our last Summer weekend together as a family of three at the beach. I hate to see these beautiful, warm days fade, but I will admit, I am really looking forward to Fall. Bring on all things pumpkin!