Monday, January 19, 2015

Shake the Blues

Growing up in Delaware, our Winter season varies from mild to frigid. Fortunately, for us, this year hasn't been to unbearable just yet, but with a chill in the air and limited things to do outdoors, it sometimes becomes challenging to maintain a positive mindset. Below are just a few things that I try and do to avoid the cold-weather blues.

1. Keep Yourself Busy. Get out of the house at least once per day. Short trips to the local library or grocery store make for a simple morning on the move. An occasional day-long outing to a children's museum, aquarium, or botanical garden (like Longwood Gardens) are a few fun ways to mix things up. And play/lunch dates with friends close by are, one hundred percent, the easiest and most enjoyable option.
2. Scatter A Bit Of Greenery in every corner of your home. There is much proof in the fact that bringing the outside in makes a big difference in your overall health and well-being. Read up and go to your local nursery immediately!
3. Get Moving. Incorporate exercise into your routine, at least three times a week. I've been doing a mix of T25 and Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown and I'll admit it feels really good. I'm requiring less coffee to feel energized throughout the day and I feel really accomplished when I hit the hay. Plus it's a great outlet for stress, and Lord knows I have my fair share of that.
4. Get Out of Town. Get away to somewhere warm, or if that's not possible, take a road trip to a different town. A different setting does the body good. Prior to having Alec, Kiel and I were avid travelers. We averaged at least three or so trips a year. Due to Alec's cardiac condition, traveling far from our local children's hospital is not something we are interested in, nor is it recommended by Alec's physician. Although we are pretty limited in the travel department, we do often enjoy a weekend getaway to the Delaware Beach every now and again. It's amazing how a different setting can break up the monotony of a long Winter season. I highly recommend a change of scenery when you begin to feel the blues creeping in.
5. Bask In The Light. This is kind of a no-brainer. Let the light in! Roll up your shades and cozy up in the brightest little corner of your home. In the Winter months, while Alec naps, I often like to sit in my front room and read. The couch is positioned directly in front of two large windows and the natural light is so abundant. Just that little bit of vitamin D makes me feel so incredibly refreshed. It has been said that the most effective treatment for seasonal affective disorder is natural light. Give it a try, get lost in a good book while basking in the sun,  I guarantee it makes a difference in your overall mood.