Friday, June 28, 2013

Isaiah 46:4

When it comes to our little man, things have not gone quite as smoothly as I had hoped they would. At times, I tend to get very overwhelmed with emotion when I think of all the abnormal worries that Kiel and I have to carry because of our little man's heart condition. He isn't even physically here yet, and he is constantly on my mind. I found this beautiful bible verse above on pinterest and it really spoke to me. I view it almost everyday and I relate it to my little man and his future struggles. I know that Kiel and I will be great parents to our boy, and when times get tough I will do everything in my power to limit his stress and comfort him.
We have another CHOP visit on July 1st. We will get another echocardiogram to evaluate his little heart. I'm hoping and praying for some encouraging news. Call it mother's intuition, but I have a really good feeling about everything. We are doing what we can to stay positive and our hopes are definitely high. Please keep our family in your prayers.