Monday, March 30, 2015


Whooaaa… it's been a while. Sorry for my lengthy absence. Life has gotten a little wild around here lately. Between many birthday celebrations, doctor appointments, and weekend trips to the beach.. I just haven't had much time to blog. And to be completely honest, I haven't really had the desire to. I've been wanting to unplug for quite some time… and that is exactly what I've been doing. I feel like, every now and again, it's important to avoid social media, put your phone down, and just be present in that very moment. It's nice to not worry about what everyone else is doing all the time… Just focusing on yourself is actually quite refreshing.

So now that I'm back online, I figure I'd share what I've had going on most recently with a lately post…

Reading: Still Alice. (Julianne Moore won Best Actress for her role in the adapted film.) I'm not sure how I feel about this book so far… I am pretty certain that by the time I am finished I will have convinced myself that I, also, have early-onset Alzheimer's disease. I can't imagine the fear one would experience knowing that you are slowly losing your mind, your cherished memories. So scary and absolutely devastating. After I finish up this book, I think I am going to opt for something a bit lighter.

Wanting: Spring… sunshine, sandals, an outdoor adventure or two. Sooo wanting Spring to just arrive already. This has been one lonnng, cold Winter and I am super over it.

Eating: I've been pretty lazy in the kitchen lately… we've been doing a decent amount of dining out, or a last minute Costco pizza thrown in the oven, but I am determined to get back into the swing of things. In fact, I think I will start with some slower cooker carnitas. I'll let you know how they turn out.

Drinking: Have you heard of the Olde Philadelphia Soda Company? I hadn't, until just recently. A co-worker of mine is marrying the CEO of the business and was telling me all about it... old-fashioned soda made with pure sugar cane. I cannot wait to get my hands on some of the cream and black cherry.

Enjoying: Naps. I attribute my lack of cooking, blogging, and picture snapping to naps. I normally get a lot done while Alec takes his nap in the afternoon, but lately, I have been putting him down and then climbing right into my own big bed for a snooze. I figure, might as well do it while I can, right?!

Wearing: Unfortunately, I am still rocking all my winter gear. It's still bitter cold in Delaware. I can't wait to be able to the leave the house without layering on a heavy coat, hat, and gloves. Although, I did purchase a few Spring pieces recently. I got this dress(in both colors) and these shorts for me, and I ordered this tee and these shorts for Alec.

Listening: Rozzi Crane. She's a singer-songwriter from San Fran and was the first artist to sign to Adam Levine's record label, 222 Records. Her voice gives me chills, and her new EP is solid. I hope she makes it big.

Watching: Giving House of Cards another go via Netflix and enjoying it this time around. (now that the creepy sex scenes between Kevin Spacey and Kate Mara have fizzled out, I think I can finally enjoy the show). We also just recently watched The Theory of Everything and it was pretty amazing. Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones killed it. They couldn't have cast two more perfect actors for the job.

Wishing: As already stated above... I am just wishing for warmer weather. I am also hoping, since life has settled down a bit, that I could maybe catch a little more 'me' time. Not a ton, just a simple pedicure, or an evening at the hair dresser. Mama is in dire need of some pampering!

Capturing: In addition to unplugging for a bit, I have also been the laziest picture snapper as well. My poor camera has been collecting dust and I am determined to break that bad boy out one of these days. I have some serious catching up to do on my 52 project.