Today marked Alec's first official snow day! He knows the word 'snow' but had only ever experienced it from the window. This afternoon, we bundled him up, (Next year, we're going to have to invest in some appropriate snow pants and gloves) and trekked out into the backyard. Kiel introduced him to snowballs and sledding, ya know, typical boy stuff. And he and I took a scenic stroll along the line of woods behind our home. Alec was a total skeptic… he didn't have any desire to roll around in that powdery white stuff (And to be honest, neither did I. It's frigid out there!) Either way, it was a fun moment that I am sure to remember and cherish. I so look forward to all of his 'firsts'. It's so amazing to experience life all over again through my little one's eyes. Parenting has it's challenges, but I wouldn't trade any of it for world.