Monday, September 15, 2014


Our boy is one. One. Pretty darn unbelievable if you ask me. As I look back upon this past year, my eyes well with tears. So many amazing memories, so many scary moments, so much worry, and so much love. Before Alec arrived, I never could have imagined what motherhood would really be like. I always had hope, but I never imagined he would thrive this well and grow this beautifully. After learning Alec's diagnosis, I was devastated, absolutely petrified that he would need to go through so much physical stress in his first few years of life. Two.. possibly three.. open heart surgeries before the age of four, at least that's what we were told. Alec defeated the odds, and he surpassed the need for surgery number one. At two months (much earlier than most children with his diagnosis), he had surgery number two. He was discharged at four days post-op. He made a full recovery within about 5 weeks with only one little hiccup along the way. Now here we are, at one year old and to a stranger  you'd never know he had heart defect at all. Sure he's a bit paler than most, and yeah, he is sometimes short of breath after climbing a full set of stairs, but ya know… if that's all we are dealing with, if that's the only struggle we are facing right now, then thank the Lord. Hallelujah! I am beyond thrilled because we are so very lucky. We are so very fortunate and I thank God every single day for the good fortune we have been granted.

Not to mention, this kid is hilarious. He is seriously the biggest goofball around. He lives to make others laugh. He has this amazing smile, one that lights up a room. He is so darn captivating, he lures strangers in everywhere we go. I am telling you, grocery store trips are like never before. He is incredibly vocal, talks up a storm and will mimic just about any sound you make. He's a real screamer sometimes though, and that, well I could do without. He is near-walking, standing often on his own and taking up to four or fives steps before face-planting into my chest. He only has two visible teeth on bottom; however, I am pretty sure a slew of top teeth are on the horizon. His hair still remains a gingery blonde and his eye color may still be up for debate. He sleeps with not one, not two, but three angel dear blankies. He loves elmo, cheese, and his v-tech light-up tow truck. He naps twice a day, and is sleeping through the night, with the occasional wake-up (mostly teething related). He is real joy, I mean our days together just keep getting better and better. I LOVE being this kid's mama more than words could ever explain. I feel so in love, so lucky, so proud. I can't wait to see what the future holds for our little comedian.

Some things we are loving right now:

1. Summer Infant Pop'N'Play - This little portable play pen is perfect for a child on the move. It's 10x lighter and 10x easier to fold up than the standard pack'n'play. It is spacious enough for two little ones to play. It is so easy to put away when we decide to have some last minute company over for dinner or drinks. The floor is waterproof and it comes with a sun canopy for the beach or pool. I feel that is was well worth the eighty bucks, especially because I'll be able to use this with my future babes.
2. Go! Go! Smart Wheels Tow Truck - Alec got a few of these little V-tech toy race cars/trucks for his birthday and he absolutely loves them. These will keep him occupied on car rides, or on the kitchen floor while I am cooking dinner.
3. Alphabet Train - This is such a fantastic toy. A toy that he can grow with and use during different developmental stages of toddler-hood. He loves cruisin around with his little choo choo.
4. Land of Nod Piano - Alec also got this for his birthday. The musical instruments at Land of Nod are just too cute. He already has the mini guitar, and now his own child-size piano. This kid is going to be a one-man band in no time. We loved this gift, as we are definitely going to try and steer Alec toward music. (Kiel and my Father are both musicians and I would love for Alec to be able to play with both of them one day.)
5. Board Books  - Books, books, and more books. The mini Dr. Seuss Board Books, in particular, are a favorite in our home. For one, Alec can't destroy them as easily as a paperback book. Two, they are small enough to tote around in the diaper bag and in the bottom of the stroller. Put Me In The Zoo is a current favorite.