Thursday, September 11, 2014

Four Years Strong.

Our love story isn't quite The Notebook; however, it is unique to us and that makes it so very special. Over ten years ago, I spotted my handsome fellow from across the room and I knew I had to make him mine. I quickly snagged him up and I refused to ever let him go. Six years of dating, four blissful years of marriage, two homes, and one amazing year of parenthood later, and I could't be more in love with that same man I spotted so many years ago.

To me, love is bringing me a hot cup of coffee in the morning, or waking up with the baby in the middle of the night when he is teething. Love is anxiously awaiting his arrival home every evening from work so that we can share simple stories from our days over a home-cooked meal. It is admitting that we are wrong, and then apologizing for our mistakes. It is back scratches before bed and waffles in the morning. It is the way you look at our little boy when he sleeps, or smiles, or laughs. To love you, Kiel Drake,  is such a privilege. And although some days can be challenging, the good heavily outweighs the bad, and I wouldn't want to be on this roller coaster ride of a life with anyone but you. I can't wait to spend many, many more anniversaries together. xo

and what a beautiful day it was...