Tuesday, April 1, 2014


My baby is seven months old! So unreal. Alec is sitting up on his own... firmly planting his two hands in front of him and preparing to lunge forward into a crawl at any moment. He becomes easily frustrated when what he wants is not within reach. A moving baby is on the horizon and I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Alec has discovered many new and interesting sounds this past month. Each passing day is full of belly laughs, babbles, and big cheesy grins. He loves when we sing songs, especially when Kiel breaks out the guitar. Peek-a-boo is also a huge hit around here these days. 

We have been experiencing a bit of sleep regression as of late. Needless to say, the hubs and I are feeling pretty rough. I'm not sure what exactly is keeping him up. Maybe it's his teeth coming in... or maybe it's just the fact that he is becoming more aware of his surroundings. Either way, we are so excited to get all settled into the new house so we can get Alec acclimated to his own new little space. We are very hopeful that this will help our little man sleep more soundly. Well that... and some teething tablets. 

I have come up with a little collection of things I can't imagine living without this past month. Being a  new mom, you are constantly on the hunt to find new products that help make life just a little bit easier. Below are some of my absolute favorites.
1. Tobble Stacking Blocks - Alec loves these things. We have the standard stacking blocks as well, but they just don't compare in his book. He loves chewing them, banging them together, and of course, stacking them up. They keep him occupied for at least fifteen minutes.
2. Baby Einstein Take-along Tunes - This is the perfect little toy to bring along with you in the stroller or car seat. This is my go-to item to grab when Alec has had enough car seat/stroller time during a shopping trip. This particular toy has allowed me enough time to make it through the target checkout line a number of times.
3. Gerber's Sweet Potato Puffs - Alec loves these things. They are completely dissolvable so he can get used to chewing without choking. They also are helping with his 'hand-mouth' coordination. He'll be feeding himself in no time because of these things.
4. I'll See You In The Morning - This just so happens to be the best bedtime book of all time. Kiel and  I read this book to Alec every night. We both know the whole book by heart.
5. Boppy Pillow - This pillow has been totally clutch this past month. Alec just started sitting up on his own, and every so often he gets a little shaky and topples backwards. The boppy pillow curls perfectly around him and prevents him from hitting the floor.
6. Baby Einstein Music Activity Table - This little table is going to be a fave for a while. The legs actually come completely off, so right now, Alec sits on the floor and plays with it. Once he can pull himself up this will help him steady and strengthen his legs for walking.
7. Hyland's Teething Tablets - We were just introduced to these little tablets and I am hoping they ease the pain of teething. Alec's bottom two teeth are working their way through the gumline and he has some pretty sleepless nights due to the discomfort.